多样性办公室 & 共融-学生组织


Maryville University students are active and involved in over 100 student organizations and clubs. There are student organizations representing general interests, 精神信仰, 文化团体和社会意识项目. 领导公平发展和多元化委员会,L.E.A.D., 旨在支持大学的使命, 愿景, 以及围绕创建多元化和包容性校园的价值观.


  • Abolishing Barriers through Leadership and 授权ment (ABLE)

    ABLE is an organization for students with and without disabilities to come together to promote awareness about disabilities. We will host events on campus and volunteer time off campus to help other organizations involved with disability in the community.

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  • 非洲学生组织(ASO)

    The African Students Organization is a social and cultural organization created to spread cultural awareness. A-SO welcomes students of all nationalities to join us in this culturally enriching experience.

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  • 亚洲广场

    亚洲广场标志亚洲广场的焦点是庆祝, 欣赏, 了解世界各地不同的亚洲文化. 从流行文化到食物, this organization strives to 教育 and embrace students’ curiosity and passion about diversity within 亚洲 cultures.

  • 黑人大学生协会

    黑人大学生协会的标志The Association of Black Collegians strives to 教育 Maryville University and the community on African-American experiences and culture while providing leadership opportunities, 支持, 以及对校园黑人的指导.

    ABC students showing other students information during involvement fair

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  • 波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那学生协会

    波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那学生协会标志波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那学生协会 will set out to promote cultural diversity by sharing the Bosnian culture with the Maryville community. BHSA也将努力设定激励, 教育, and 支持 Bosnian students throughout their college journeys!

  • 授权

    授权标志Our purpose is to provide knowledge and resources for those interested in the gender construct spectrum. We will provide students the opportunity to serve with non-profits that comply with our organization goals in the Greater St. 路易地区. We aim to provide an inclusive and diverse community of people who come together in order to better understand the differences between us and empower each other to make an impact in the world around us.

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  • 夏威夷亚太岛民协会(HAPA)

    夏威夷亚太岛民协会The mission of the Hawaiian Pacific Islander Association is to strengthen the Hawaiian, 亚洲, and Pacific Islander cultures among the Maryville campus community. The association promotes the awareness and appreciation of the different cultures through events, and serves as a resource to all students and faculty of the Maryville community.


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  • 希勒尔

    希勒尔的标志Maryville 希勒尔 brings Jewish cultural events, celebrations and learning opportunities to campus. 而新葡京博彩官网的活动反映了犹太文化和节日, events are open to ALL and inclusive of all – all beliefs are honored and respected.


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  • 玛丽维尔的包容(IAM)

    玛丽维尔的包容包容 at Maryville’s mission is to create a more inclusive and understanding environment that challenges stereotypes and bias through cultural engagement and education.

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  • 国际学生协会

    玛丽维尔的包容The International Students Organization is a great way for students to meet fellow students from all around the world and share their culture with others. This group is opened to all students not just international students. 目标是在彼此之间建立一座文化桥梁.

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  • 拉丁裔学生联盟

    拉丁裔学生联盟标志拉丁裔学生联盟的使命是创建社区, programs and leadership opportunities for Latino and Hispanic students. The 拉丁裔学生联盟 also 教育s the larger campus community on Latino/Hispanic issues and helps to integrate the culture into the Maryville community.


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  • 领导促进公平发展和多样性(LEAD)

    领导公平发展和多元化标志Leaders for Equity Advancement and Diversity aims to build the leadership capacity of students involved in student organizations that directly 支持 the mission and 愿景 of 多样性办公室 & 包容. These student leaders are critical to helping Maryville become a diverse campus community that values inclusiveness. Students who serve in executive leadership positions are eligible for this organization.

  • 新葡京博彩官网性别与性联盟

    玛丽维尔的穆斯林学生协会MUGSA provides an open door for all students from every walk of life. We also provide the Maryville student body with the education and opportunities to speak out about discrimination, in order to create tolerance on campus for a state of well being that is optimal for our academic success!

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  • 有色人种兄弟会

    有色人种的兄弟情谊To provide a brotherhood for the men of color on Maryville’s campus, while including a place to express ourselves and views in a comfortable environment.

  • 中东学生协会

    中东学生协会标志This organization serve to 教育 Maryville university about the middle east through various events. Middle Eastern Student Association goal is to successfully reflect this particular geographic area and help others to learn more about the various cultures and misconceptions in the Middle East.

  • MU福音唱诗班

    沐福音标志这是一个以基督教为基础的宗教组织. 新葡京博彩官网欢迎所有宗教! We will be singing songs about God, The Holy Spirit and Jesus Christ. We are here to uplift you and bring the children of God to Christ. MU福音唱诗班 main goal is to serve the Lord and give him praise by singing.


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  • 穆斯林学生协会(MSA)

    玛丽维尔的穆斯林学生协会The purpose of the MSA is to create an awareness of Islam through engaging and educational events while building an environment of inclusion and acceptance for all beliefs.


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  • 沙特学生俱乐部

    沙特学生俱乐部标志The 沙特学生俱乐部 at Maryville University is an Organization that represents the history, 沙特阿拉伯的文化和传统. Also it helps new, and current Saudi students in the United State.

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